Helping My Guitar Students With Lesson Video Clips

Many of you guitar students have told me how much you love your zoom online lessons. You all are learning some amazing stuff.

You’ve shared with me your favorite songs that you want to learn to play (and sing) on your guitars, and I’ve customized lessons for you to do just that. I create a special music chart that shows you how to play the chords & the melody, and also include other musical concepts that help you grow as a player.

But another tool I use to help you learn your favorite songs is your LESSON RECORDING.

During our 1-on-1 zoom lessons, if there is a key point I want to make sure you remember when you practice, I’ll just do a quick zoom recording of that lesson nuggets and send it to you in our lesson overview email.

One of my favorite students, LaTanya Chatman is learning Hezekiah Walker’s famous gospel song, GRATEFULNESS. Check out this video clip from our lesson…

These video clips from lessons not only provide INSTRUCTION, but also INSPIRATION. As a music educator I always try to make sure I’m sharing information in a way that works for each individual student. But I also love to encourage and inspire along the way.

P.S. “Gratefulness” is one of the many songs that are included in “JBliss Guitar Studio ONLINE”; my new subscription-based, self-paced, online lesson platform!